
Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Sample Counts

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, urban mobility has seen major changes. Ridership in public transport has been subject to large fluctuations, and mobility decisions have been influenced by daily events in a way we have not seen before. More than ever, mobility planners need reliable data to track short-term changes in the network and to plan based on actual demand.

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With sample trip planning and statistical projections, up-to-date and reliable numbers on utilization can be collected. We talk about how this works in this DILAX Lab with Jan Nicklisch, VP Solution Development at DILAX. Click here to watch the recording!

Information on overall occupancy

Systems for automatic passenger counting (APC) provide exact occupancy information. In order to provide this not only for a single vehicle, but to be able to extrapolate it to the entire network, a certain number of vehicles must be equipped with APC systems. These vehicles are used for sample trips, and the overall occupancy is determined by extrapolation. Depending on the size of the network as a whole and on vehicle equipment, a certain number of sample trips is required for a relevant sample size. This requires complex calculations to produce statistically reliable data.

Sample trips as the basis for statistical extrapolations

The Sample Planning Tool, which Jan Nicklisch, VP Solution Development at DILAX, developed together with his team, performs precisely these calculations. Numerous factors play a role in sample trip planning and must be put into the right perspective: of course, times of day and the route network are relevant, but so are the size, equipment, availability and type of vehicles. From this, the Sample Planning Tool generates a dispatch recommendation. The sample trips and extrapolations can depict the actual demand accurately and without distortion, provide a high counting accuracy and are thus a perfect basis for strategic traffic planning, but also special use cases such as revenue sharing.

Be part of the discussion

Reliable data is the best planning basis to understand and develop your own public transport network. Watch the DILAX Lab with our expert Jan Nicklisch here. If you have any questions or feedback on the DILAX lab, please feel free to write us what you would like to know: webinar@dilax.com.

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