Office Occupancy Analytics with DILAX

Ideas need space – room to develop and unfold. The work of the future will require plenty of ideas, but where exactly will we do this work? Office space in urban centers is already scarce and expensive. New Work is changing our working conditions: we are mobile, connected and agile. How can we use the city’s precious space in a more sustainable, meaningful and lively way? For work, play, education and entertainment? Local data will help you find better answers to these questions.

Living spaces

Where we enjoy learning new things together, solve problems and thrive on the exchange of ideas

Our notions of space have been changing for a long time. On the one hand, we want more and more spaces to retreat to, and on the other hand we need more and more spaces for meeting other people.

According to some studies, companies are particularly innovative in spaces where employees work together a lot and bump into each other at the workplace, time and again. And exchanging ideas doesn’t start by clicking a button on a screen, it starts with a chat at the water cooler or by the noticeboard in the staffroom. In the past this was called the office grapevine, today it’s referred to as “collision space”.

How can we make the best use of our space?
These informal meetings and new ways of collaborating are changing the interior design of offices and conference rooms. To earn the “best employer I want to work for” award, you need to use every opportunity to understand how people use spaces, what they need and what would help them to be more creative and happier at work.

Reading tracks

From the reception area to the cafeteria

The pioneers of the digital transformation, corporations such as Google and Microsoft, can provide us with an insight into what will be widespread in the future. They study and measure exactly how their teams work, what they do, and where and when they do it. Even waiting in line at the canteen affects job satisfaction and is tracked. Various data sources can be used for this purpose.

And that is exactly what DILAX has been doing for over 30 years: counting people and analyzing their movements in different spaces: At their desks, in open-plan offices, conference rooms, seminar buildings, in corridors, in break rooms and restrooms. Our analytics tool helps you answer a wide range of questions with reports that make your office space a better place to work in the city.

How resilient is our room concept?
Those who understand how many people do which activities, what they need and when they need it, can design their spaces to suit these needs, expand their services and set the right tone.

For public buildings such as museums, libraries, universities, concert halls and sports facilities, these are central questions for an attractive use concept. Local data and its analysis provide meaningful answers.


New knowledge for smart buildings

Precisely understanding the use of spaces, analyzed daily, in real time and over time, provides in depth insights and findings. These are very useful for controlling energy and heating in buildings. To feel good, people need a pleasant climate and a warm lighting concept in their space, and local data supports intelligent building technology in controlling and regulating heating and lighting. This leads in turn to better energy efficiency in each room and in the building as a whole.

How can I further develop building safety and security?
Live measurement data can be vital for safety and security concepts in buildings with high visitor numbers. In the event of an evacuation, it can be crucial to know how many people are on which floor and in which room. In the event of an alarm, the fastest escape and rescue routes are shown immediately in order to get as many visitors safely out of the building as possible.


Find out what people need in their space to pursue their interests and tasks productively and with job satisfaction. Whether you’re a real estate manager, co-working provider or manager of an office space – Occupancy Analytics is worth it for you:

  • Exact knowledge: Record walking routes and analyze the frequency of use for rooms and areas in the building.
  • Better utilization: Adapt the usage concepts of your rooms and high/low traffic areas to the needs of your users. Optimize the utilization of space over the course of the day.
  • Quick response time: Recognize hot and cold spots in terms of capacity and use in the building area’s thermal image and allocate more space to high-intensity uses.
  • Optimal user experience: Draw the right conclusions from the data and further develop your room concept for a great workplace and learning location.
  • Efficiency in building management: Manage and regulate building services according to your needs to intelligently reduce your energy footprint.
  • Reduce costs: In a highly targeted way, through efficient space management, intelligent air conditioning technology and an attractive workplace.

Why is this important?

We need to rethink space

“With office densification rates increasing […] across the world, combined with evidence of poor space utilization and the expectations of occupants for more human and productive environments, the need for workspace management platforms to provide better insight into the repurposing of current workplaces has never been so urgent.”
Source: Memoori Studie Q1/2018, Occupancy Analytics and In-Building Location Based Services 2017 to 2022

Rooms are like a second skin to people. They give us stability, security and a solid foundation on which we can live and work. How we use spaces is a very critical issue in our cities. Wherever urban areas grow, space becomes scarce and thus more expensive. This applies to both living and working spaces.

Office Occupancy Analytics with DILAX provides new knowledge that is valuable in two ways: On the one hand, local data helps to make room designs more appealing. On the other hand, it supports cost efficiency in facility management. Both are important contributions to creating a better city.

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